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È possibile visitare il complesso monumentale anche secondo le seguenti modalità: 

>Visita alla Lanterna a prezzo scontato:
Prenotando con noi una visita alla città svolta da guide abilitate locali, si ha la possibilità di acquistare l’ingresso al faro e museo a prezzo ridotto (euro 6,00 pp invece di euro 8,00 pp). La guida vi consegnerà un voucher e vi fornirà tutte le indicazioni per la migliore visita. La visita alla Lanterna sarà libera.

>Visita GO GREEN + Lanterna:
Visita guidata alla città a basso impatto ambientale ( circa 2 ore e trenta ) e visita alla Lanterna.
Il costo completo di visita, biglietto trasporto pubblico locale AMT 24h e ingresso a lanterna e faro è di Euro 25,00 a persona.

>Visita GO GREEN breve + Lanterna:
Visita guidata alla città a basso impatto ambientale e visita guidata alla Lanterna e al suo contesto.
Il costo completo di visita, biglietto trasporto pubblico locale AMT 24h e ingresso a lanterna e faro è di Euro 20,00 a persona.

Altre possibilità “ su misura “ per gruppi, famiglie o individuali a richiesta. Offerte soggette ad un minimo di partecipanti.

Visite a cura di GoGenovaTours

Il monumento rimane chiuso in caso di forti temporali o allerta meteo ARANCIONE

The Tower’s history from 1128 to nowadays

According to some sources, the first tower was built in 1128, a little less tall than the actual tower, with a similar architectural structure, but with three overlapping crenellated logs. At its top, to advise approaching ships, bundles of dry stalks of heather or broom were lighten up.
The documents of the XI century, the first chronicles and the official acts of the rising municipality of Genoa, provide sure facts on the signal tower, but not on its exact building data. In 1318, during the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines, the tower suffered from considerable damages on the ground, inferred by the Ghibellines; in 1321, consolidation works were made, and a ditch was excavated to make the tower more defendable.
According to some sources, the first tower was built in 1128, a little less tall than the actual tower, with a similar architectural structure, but with three overlapping crenellated logs. At its top, to advise approaching ships, bundles of dry stalks of heather or broom were lighten up.
The documents of the XI century, the first chronicles and the official acts of the rising municipality of Genoa, provide sure facts on the signal tower, but not on its exact building data. In 1318, during the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines, the tower suffered from considerable damages on the ground, inferred by the Ghibellines; in 1321, consolidation works were made, and a ditch was excavated to make the tower more defendable.